Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bright eyes and subtle variations of blue.

Wow! So much has happened just this morning. I feel so productive.

Got up at 8:00 and was at my dad's by 9:00 with forty dollars worth of donuts, hahah. Had to feed everyone that was helping my dad move everyyythinnngg out of his house. It was quite the feat! It's sooo odd to look at his house empty. He has lived there for about 5-6 years and I have grown used to it. It is sad to think today was the last day we will be there. But, we got everything packed tightly into a giant U-HAUL truck and got it all put up in storage. It was actually pretty fun. Some of my brother's friends were there helping and they were messing around on the loading carts and ran into walls. I'm happy to be done, though.

So I guess the remainder of the day consists of...lunch with mom/sister and then hanging out with people. Should be fun.

Apartment lights go dark, and it's depressing, but what can I do?
The midnight streets feel dead when I am so used to driving with you.

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