Friday, February 26, 2010

Still photos and noisy arcades.

I thought I would make a new blogger. My last one I had was just for my eng 1302 class, which my professor read, and was for a grade. So, didn't really get to write what I wanted. Here we go.

Disclaimer: Expect Owl City lyrics...frequently.

I have a somewhat busy weekend ahead. So jealous of the best friend that's in Florida this weekend. I was driving somewhere the other day, and couldn't help but be completely distracted and irritated. It made me want to get away, just for a bit. I mean, nothing life changing, no. Just a weekend to not stare at a computer screen, and have some QUIET.

Quiet is fantastic.

Farewell, all my friends in textbooks, I'm going home;
Cause my blood cells cannot depend on the weather in photographs.

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