Thursday, March 11, 2010

I want your love.

Ahhhh today was a fantastic day. :)

Had my last two classes (my third class was canceled!) before spring break...and now I am officially on spring break! No classes on Friday ftw. Last night I worked on a present for the bff--a prismacolor drawing of me and him with a collage of pictures of us from over the years for the border (which was supposed to be for his bday, so it's laaate...but oh well)--and so when I got out of class I hung out with him and gave his present to him. He loved it. I love giving people things and I love when they like them, especially if they are homemade. I did good! Thank goodness I'm good at something. I mess up a lot...

I helped the bff with homework before he had an exam to take in the library. I like helping him. Then I chilled for about an hour after that while he took his exam...At that point it was about 6ish. I had been at school since 10am! Long time. But I enjoyed it. After that we went to Taco Bell cause I was freakin hungry! Just like old times. Funny how memories and "old times" are created. Never would have thought a Taco Bell would be involved. We're regulars there now.

So then same old same old, went back to the bffs house afterwards and hung out til laaaaaate, like it should be. Left about midnight, and nowww I'm home typing this.

I have a good feeling about spring break. I have a good feeling about this weekend. Thank goodness. Thank YOU.

Maybe I am crazy.

I want your love and I want your revenge,
you and me could write a bad romance.

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