Sunday, March 7, 2010

The silence isn't so bad.

What an adventure the last few days have been. Friday, me and Britt ventured down to Forth Worth. The drive there was fine, until we got into downtown. We got sort of turned around...but eventually found our way to the Modern Museum of Art. The Andy Warhol exhibit was pretty cool in my opinion. Some very interesting works that I did now know existed by him. I think my favorite was the piece with all the photographed portraits of famous people. Oh boy, did Warhol thirst for fame.

Saturday I went to the park. It was beautiful outside. Got some good shots, too. Some of the sky, some of some trees. It was lovely. I am so behind in my photo editing, though. I still have a bajillion snow day pictures to edit. And now park day. But, I took some updated preggo pics for Britt on Saturday, also, and I got all those edited super fast. They turned out good, though. But jeez, I have got to finish editing my ice berries series. I've only got one done. Jeez. It's a good thing I'm not getting paid for this, I'd be fired haha. (Although holy crap it'd be cool if I were payed for this.) Haha, have any photo editing needs? Let me know. I take cash. Hahaha.

Today was yucky yucky...and cold. Bi-polar weather at its best. I stayed in after church and spent most of the day in bed. I studied a bit too. Midterm on Tuesday. One week til spring break. I should be way more excited. I am, yes. But, yet, I always have a slightly sinking feeling when I get time off school because I never know if I will have plans or if something super amazingly fun will happen. I hate ending up being bored. Hopefully that won't be the case. (And I better get to see YOU. Please don't ignore me during spring break. Please.)

We got older,
and I should have known,
that I feel colder when I walk alone;
so I may as well ditch my dismay,
bombs away, bombs away.

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