Monday, May 24, 2010

Hold to the love that you know.

I honestly don't know why I act like that sometimes. I should stop it. I mean, seriously. I should be happy about what I can control, not upset at what I can't change. I'm sorry.

I know you probably get sort of annoyed when I keep holding on to you when you pull away from a hug. I just really really really love your hugs. They mean a lot, as dumb as that sounds. It's all I got, ya know? I really hate leaving, too. So much. I'm just sad, aren't I? I don't know.

Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you so much.

This weekend was pretty fantastic. The bff's two days in a row. That hasn't happened in a very long time. I love it I love it I love it.

The summer is starting out to be quite promising. I like this.

Wednesday, come soon, okay?

But I don't want this to all go to my head.
Cause then my head confuses my heart.
And that never ends well.

I am okay.
I am okayyy.

Calm down, emotions.
You've got your best friend.

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