Sunday, May 30, 2010

You set my soul alight.

Last week was absolutely incredible. Like old times. Oh my gosh, I'm so extremely relieved and happy. I am so happy to be back at his house more than 3 time a week, most likely annoying his family by taking their parking spots and making the dogs bark every time I show up. It's good to be at my other home again. <3 This is how summer is supposed to be. The end.

We started playing a browser game together. I've never played a game like this, but I am enjoying it and he is helping me out. Awesome.

We're partners, kinda. I help him out with mixes and his radio show. I'm so proud of that boy. He's gunna go far. I designed him business cards and am in the process of making a flier with tear off numbers. Need a DJ? Let me know.

Oh, right. Let's talk about me for a minute. My job is going well, I really really like it. My co-workers are friendly, as well as my manager. She is extremely understanding. I'm getting better at engraving. I engraved my first frame last week. I also engraved a few other things. It's really cool seeing the customer's reaction at the work that you did. I did good.

This week is going to be busy. Working Mon, Wed-Fri. It's Memorial Day tomorrow, I'm wondering how busy it will be.. Either way, it's going to get super busy with more summer wedding orders and definitely graduation, which is next week. Ahh, my senior friends are graduating. Congrats to them. I'm a sophomore in college already? Life is crazy.

There's something heavy on my mind I don't want to bring up. Well, actually, I'm back and forth with it. One moment I am concerned and the other moment I am looking at the big picture, knowing that it is worth it in the end and I will always come back.

Ahahaha, I'm not going to tell you. I cleaned my room today, thank goodness. It helps with my stress. One time I brought that up with a friend and said that when my room is clean I am less stressed out. All they said was, "lol", like I was kidding or something. I don't see what's so funny. People are bizarre.

This is getting long.
This week is going to be long.
But I'm going to Six Flags on Saturday. Should be fun. And hot.

I feel like I'm getting muscle spams. I should probably go to bed. Work tomorrow 12-6.

On crystal sand,
we sleep hand in hand,
while soothing words
hover like hummingbirds.

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