Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I feel like such an insomniac.

So, I've got a job. Technically a seasonal job, but a job. It will get me through the summer. I start Friday. I'm kind of nervous. I hope I do okay. I have an eight hour shift, followed by another eight hour shift Saturday. What wonderful timing, I'm working all weekend when I've got exams the next week, hahaaaa. Lovely. I will be fine, though...

I'm nearly finished with my first year of college. It wasn't too bad at all. It just.. really made life go by a lot faster than it normally does. I mean, after graduation last June, the rest of that year was a complete blur. My birthday is also coming up. I have no problem with leaving eighteen behind. At all. Some of my friends are turning twenty this year. THAT, I cannot fathom. At all. Weren't we all just sixteen? Able to drive? Able to get jobs? Now we're leaving teenage hood. Well, not yet. But soon. Life is exciting, yet, at the same time I try my hardest to imagine that I'm still at Plano East. I miss it so much.

I really hope this summer is better than last summer. The only good part about last summer was my road trip in August. Everything else was lame. Well, I guess this summer will be better because I'll actually have some money. Sweet. But, he's still pretty much ignoring me. You can't do this to me this summer, you hear me? My patience is seriously growing thin.

I guess the truth of the matter is I'm terrible with change.
Always have.

My gosh, I ramble a lot.

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