Friday, April 30, 2010

If you don't want to be replaced, shape up. :]

Not that I would replace you.

It's definitely a plus.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

But what if I don't.

Friday, April 23, 2010

You really left your mark.

I stay because if I don't, he won't.
I stay because it'll make him realize I'm in it 'til the end.
I stay because it'll make him open his eyes to see the things he does to me.
I stay because I'd miss him too much.
I stay because of the good times.
I stay because if I go, what kind of best friend is that?
I stay because one of us has to be rational.
I stay because he always comes back.
I stay because I care.
I stay because I know he cares.

I stay despite the fact he's so incredibly rude to me.
I stay despite the fact he blatantly ignores me on a daily basis.
I stay despite the fact I can't tell him about my problems.
I stay despite the fact I can never call him without getting scolded.
I stay despite the fact I only see him maybe twice a week.
I stay despite the fact he may not care about anything I have to say.
I stay despite the fact his girlfriend hates my guts.
I stay despite the fact we have differences and extreme disagreements.
I stay despite the fact he's brought me to tears.
I stay despite the fact he rarely talks to me first.

"Face down in the dirt, she says, 'This doesn't hurt.'"

Is this patience?
Or madness?

Maybe it's love.

Lying there with a halo in her hair, she cried,
"There are feathers everywhere! But it's fine... you do this all the time."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am floating away.


Oh my gosh it was so amazing. <333

It was absolutely fantastic, nothing like I imagined it to be! A lot of people expect to see Adam sitting there at a keyboard and synthesizer making music, but I was completely blown away, there was a complete band on stage with him! A drum set, 3 keyboards, a violinist, a cellist, and then someone running some sort of electronic something. Most of the time Adam had an electric while singing, except for one of this songs where he needed his acoustic. He full out performed! It was greaaaattt.

All his songs sounded so ridiculously awesome live. Like, I'd buy a whole cd of the live versions of his songs. He opened with Umbrella Beach and closed with Hello Seattle. I was pleased when he played a few songs from his first album, songs that you would not know if you just recently got into Owl City. He also played songs from his second album, along with, of course, his newest. With all the songs, there was an entire lights show too, so incredible! It was absolutely perfect.

I knew the majority of the people there were only there because they heard Fireflies on the radio and that was the only song they knew (and Vanilla Twilight, cause that's the only other song he released a music video for online and Hello Seattle because that was pretty much his first big hit). And I was right, because I was preetty much the only person singing every one of his songs word for word, as well as knowing the title of it. But, of course, when he played Fireflies, everyone in my section that had been silent before stood up and sang. Surprise, surprise. (I'm bitter because I've been a fan for years and was sort of upset Fireflies got on the radio, causing an uproar of fake fans. Pahaha.)

But overall, I was pleased. Adam did a great job. And it was just amazing to see him in person! <3

I love Adammmmmm. He's such an inspiration.

If I were to ever meet him, I'd give him a hug and say, "Thank you for getting my through some of my toughest times." I want to meet him one day. I will. :]

Thursday, April 15, 2010


"Is that really all you care about?"

That quote really has no significance to this post.


I really shouldn't be this unhappy.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I say I am used to it.

I have so much to say but don't know how to say it.

Don't you hate that?

Friday, April 9, 2010


Sometimes I think technology has completely slaughtered what should be appropriate in communication, and what media people should use to communicate.

To explain what I mean, let me tell you a little anecdote of this morning's happenings...

I'm lying in bed and it's about time that I need to get up, so I do what I do every morning, check my phone. I see that there are two text messages. I figured they were either random people or just two text messages from facebook, alerting me that someone has written on my wall or whatnot. However, I got two text messages from my mother, who is at work.

My mother?
It was actually one text message that was so lengthy, it was broken into two.
I am going to summarize it's general message,

"If you don't get a job by May 1st, I am going to stop paying for your phone and your car."

This is where I, who had just woken up minutes before, stare in unbelief.

No, not because I have to get a job.
No, not because I have until May 1st.


Okay, well, I don't know about you, but if you're telling your kid you're going to pretty much be cutting them off next month, I don't think that it's appropriate to communicate that in a text message.

Is the Transactional Model of Communication completely obsolete? The Transactional Model being where there is a constant flow of communication, the sender and the receiver both sending messages, face to face.

Well, of course we still talk face to face! That's silly, right?
Sure we still talk face to face. But do we talk about things important? Life changing? Personal?

It seems that most of what I find out that is quite...heavy has been through text messages. Or emails.

Then again, one may say,
"Well your mom was at work! She needed to tell you!"

But, she could have easily waited until she got home to tell me in person.

Oh, and the text message also said something around the lines of,
"You stay up all night you need to get a job"
or something.
And of COURSE, I get that text message the one night I actually choose to fix that. I went to bed at 11:00pm! To fix that! I was tired! But of course, if I bring up that point, she will probably just think it an excuse. This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

I don't really have anything else to say.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Like all the things you can't explain.

Well, today was a lovely Easter. General Conference was awesome (though, it was hard to hear over loud voices of my little cousins).

My room is clean. I'm happy about that.
At least there is one thing to be happy about.

My best friend's wedding is this coming weekend. It was just yesterday that we were silly teenagers getting into mischief and going on adventures in the creeks, spending the night at each others' houses, going to the lake, filming funny videos, all that stuff. A lot happens when you're best friends for 10 years. Then all of the sudden, there's a wedding. And incidentally, a baby on the way.

Growing up is so weird.

Anyway, I'm going to be the photographer at her wedding, so that's cool. I want to do a good job for her. I think I do well at my craft.

I guess those summer days don't last forever.

Life is changing.

People living in competition,
all I want is to have my peace of mind.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have some composure.

Come on, this is screaming photo-op.
Come on, come on,
this is screaming,
this is screaming,
this is screaming photo-op.

Boys will be boys, baby.
Boys will be boys.
Boys will be boys, baby.
Boys will be boys.

Give me envy,
give me malice,
give me your attention!

Give me envy,
give me malice,
baby, give me break!

When I say "shot gun",
you say "wedding"

I am so ridiculously fed up.
With ALL of you.