Sunday, April 4, 2010

Like all the things you can't explain.

Well, today was a lovely Easter. General Conference was awesome (though, it was hard to hear over loud voices of my little cousins).

My room is clean. I'm happy about that.
At least there is one thing to be happy about.

My best friend's wedding is this coming weekend. It was just yesterday that we were silly teenagers getting into mischief and going on adventures in the creeks, spending the night at each others' houses, going to the lake, filming funny videos, all that stuff. A lot happens when you're best friends for 10 years. Then all of the sudden, there's a wedding. And incidentally, a baby on the way.

Growing up is so weird.

Anyway, I'm going to be the photographer at her wedding, so that's cool. I want to do a good job for her. I think I do well at my craft.

I guess those summer days don't last forever.

Life is changing.

People living in competition,
all I want is to have my peace of mind.

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