Friday, April 9, 2010


Sometimes I think technology has completely slaughtered what should be appropriate in communication, and what media people should use to communicate.

To explain what I mean, let me tell you a little anecdote of this morning's happenings...

I'm lying in bed and it's about time that I need to get up, so I do what I do every morning, check my phone. I see that there are two text messages. I figured they were either random people or just two text messages from facebook, alerting me that someone has written on my wall or whatnot. However, I got two text messages from my mother, who is at work.

My mother?
It was actually one text message that was so lengthy, it was broken into two.
I am going to summarize it's general message,

"If you don't get a job by May 1st, I am going to stop paying for your phone and your car."

This is where I, who had just woken up minutes before, stare in unbelief.

No, not because I have to get a job.
No, not because I have until May 1st.


Okay, well, I don't know about you, but if you're telling your kid you're going to pretty much be cutting them off next month, I don't think that it's appropriate to communicate that in a text message.

Is the Transactional Model of Communication completely obsolete? The Transactional Model being where there is a constant flow of communication, the sender and the receiver both sending messages, face to face.

Well, of course we still talk face to face! That's silly, right?
Sure we still talk face to face. But do we talk about things important? Life changing? Personal?

It seems that most of what I find out that is quite...heavy has been through text messages. Or emails.

Then again, one may say,
"Well your mom was at work! She needed to tell you!"

But, she could have easily waited until she got home to tell me in person.

Oh, and the text message also said something around the lines of,
"You stay up all night you need to get a job"
or something.
And of COURSE, I get that text message the one night I actually choose to fix that. I went to bed at 11:00pm! To fix that! I was tired! But of course, if I bring up that point, she will probably just think it an excuse. This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

I don't really have anything else to say.


  1. I believe it was Socrates who said, "men should not write and rely on books as it hinders our memories." Yet from books, we expanded as a species, and nothing that we do, even now via blogs, would be possible without all the applied knowledge of our fore fathers, which has been preserved by literature.

    Communication is indeed changing. But not necessarily for the worst. It is just a shift in paradigm.

    It's not better or worse, just different. And it's still to early to know how to properly manage the internet/technology at the moment. But rest assured this is all for the better.

  2. @AzrealBlack

    Yeah, it has been changed for a while! That's why people need to choose the correct way to communicate certain things. :]

    And I agree, definitely for the better, too.
