Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am floating away.


Oh my gosh it was so amazing. <333

It was absolutely fantastic, nothing like I imagined it to be! A lot of people expect to see Adam sitting there at a keyboard and synthesizer making music, but I was completely blown away, there was a complete band on stage with him! A drum set, 3 keyboards, a violinist, a cellist, and then someone running some sort of electronic something. Most of the time Adam had an electric while singing, except for one of this songs where he needed his acoustic. He full out performed! It was greaaaattt.

All his songs sounded so ridiculously awesome live. Like, I'd buy a whole cd of the live versions of his songs. He opened with Umbrella Beach and closed with Hello Seattle. I was pleased when he played a few songs from his first album, songs that you would not know if you just recently got into Owl City. He also played songs from his second album, along with, of course, his newest. With all the songs, there was an entire lights show too, so incredible! It was absolutely perfect.

I knew the majority of the people there were only there because they heard Fireflies on the radio and that was the only song they knew (and Vanilla Twilight, cause that's the only other song he released a music video for online and Hello Seattle because that was pretty much his first big hit). And I was right, because I was preetty much the only person singing every one of his songs word for word, as well as knowing the title of it. But, of course, when he played Fireflies, everyone in my section that had been silent before stood up and sang. Surprise, surprise. (I'm bitter because I've been a fan for years and was sort of upset Fireflies got on the radio, causing an uproar of fake fans. Pahaha.)

But overall, I was pleased. Adam did a great job. And it was just amazing to see him in person! <3

I love Adammmmmm. He's such an inspiration.

If I were to ever meet him, I'd give him a hug and say, "Thank you for getting my through some of my toughest times." I want to meet him one day. I will. :]

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