Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beating like a hammer.

Well, the first week of the new semester is nearly over. So far, I feel like it's going to be a good semester. All of my professors are awesome and down to earth. Although, it was funny, the first day of government I was a bit nervous because the professor was extremely quiet before class started and had an unpleasant expression on his face. But, when he started class, he was an entire different person. Very interesting semester ahead for this government class.

I found out that the computer science class that I am in is no longer required. I am a bit irritated, but then again, it's an easy A to help my gpa. I don't know, I feel bad, though, for having it payed for. I am weird about that stuff. The books were not exactly cheap, either. Ugh. I swear, text books should not be so expensive, do they think college kids are made of money? Just sayin'. However, I got my history book used off Amazon for $5.99. Niiiice.

I am also looking forward to my photography class. My professor is extremely nice and she's young, so she won't be old and boring and make the class a drag. It will be modern. We are also in a brand new Mac lab, in front of beautiful iMacs. Awesome. We bring our cameras for the first time tomorrow. So stoked.

Today it was 75 degrees. I was astounded. Granted, it was because it had rained and it was cloudy, but it was so fantastic. I can't wait for autumn. My favorite season. I love the feeling of it. I love Halloween. Oh my gosh, I am so excited. I feel so much more relaxed in autumn because I am not constantly irritated by disgusting heat and humidity. Gives life a bit of a positive outlook. Also, it means it is closer to the holiday season. :]

Work was atrocious. I was called in because my manager was ill and she said she would take my Friday shift, so I agreed. But, oh my goodness. It was busy and crazy and I was flustered and confused and thought I was going insane. There were some serious odd ball situations tonight. First, the register wasn't printing receipts because I am stupid and replaced the paper in it backwards, and this customer REALLY wanted their receipt. So I frantically called people trying to figure out what to do to see if I could go back to a previous transaction. Finally, I figured something out, after making many people wait. If that wasn't enough, this person wanted to buy something for a non-profit organization and so they don't get charged tax. I had no idea this existed. I had no idea what to do. I frantically called people again, and in the end, the people left and decided they would just come back some other time. Again, I was keeping people waiting. Why in the world was Collin Creek mall busy on a Wednesday? Ugh, I am just happy it is over. And no work 'til next Monday. :>

He's been texting me like he used to. I'm having flashbacks of sitting in AP Art, texting him the entire class. And when I got home from school. All the time. I am so extremely happy about it. I really don't think he realizes how something as simple as a text message conversation can make my day. I just hope it continues.

I still wonder why people like me so much.

Everybody, everybody just wanna fall in love.

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