Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sugarcane in the easy morning.

I have seen movies lately! I like, never go to the movies. This is awesome. I have spent so much money lately, haha. I deserve to have a bit of fun, summer school and work kicked my butt for the past month. This is my last week of awesome.

I saw Inception last Saturday. So incredibly mind blown that I wanted to see it again, so I did! I saw it again in IMAX on Monday. My gosh, it is creative. Love it. I also saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World tonight! It was hilariously epic. Would see again.


Tomorrow is going to be eventful as well. Actually, it will be eventful starting around 1:30, when I get off work, haa. Going to go to lunch with my dad, I think, then.. nothing. Then at 7 I am going ice blocking*! And thennn after that, I am going to Buffalo Wild Wings. Exciting stuff. It will be fun to see how it all works out. Man, I sure do dread going to work, though. I haven't worked since last Friday.

*Ice blocking: Basically, you take a giant block of ice, sit on it, and ride it down a hill. Extremely fun.

I'm not sure what else to say.

I am sorry I piss you off so much. I seriously don't mean to. And when I do, I sulk. A lot.

I should learn from Scott Pilgrim! It was hilarious when he had to battle himself. It was exactly like Shadow Link. He was grey with red eyes. I'd like to make myself think that that was indeed another Zelda reference, among others in the film. Fantastic.

And then she said she can't believe,
that genius only comes along in storms of fable, foreign tongues.

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