Monday, August 9, 2010

We're still so young, desperate for attention.

Things are never going to be the same, are they?
They are deemed to be different, forever.
And there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

Did you know that..
when you kick me out (for lack of a better term),
it really really really really bothers me?

I really lost it on the way home tonight.
Screw controlling emotions.
I lost it.

Nothing is ever going to be the same.
You're never going to be as kind to me as you were before.
We are never going to have those same times.

..I miss them more than words could ever express.
Because this time,
I don't think there's hope that they'll come back.

What is it about that camp out in '08 that strikes me memory so strongly?
Why do I constantly think about it?

I have a yearning for it.
I am still trying to figure out why.

We went swimming when the sun was coming up.
We had all stayed up all night.
We were all exhausted, but went swimming anyway.
We saw some trees in the distance,
and our tired minds had us convinced that we could swim far enough to reach them.
So we tried,
and soon figured out that there were extremely too far.
We got tired, so we swam back.
I supported your weight in an innertube.
I pulled you all the way back to shore,
because for some reason or another, you stopped swimming.

Is that supposed to be symbolic?
You give up, and I keep carrying you along.
Is it a lost cause?
Should I stop trying?

I asked you why you still hung out with me all these years,
after everything.
I asked why, after saying that it could have been all my pestering to see you.
He answered, "It seemed like a good idea."

I know he never means what he says.
I know there's something else floating around in his mind.

There have been so many unspoken words.

We are so screwed up.
Maybe that's why we stay together.

That's when you st-st-stutter something profound
To the support on the line,
And with the way you've been talking,
Every word gets you a step closer to hell.

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